tugas b.inggris dalam keperawatan
komunikasi pada pasien
Perawat: Selamat pagi,
perkenalkan nama saya ade rama. Saya perawat di ruangan ini, nama ibu siapa?
Pasien: Nama saya. . . . .
Perawat: bagaimana perasaan
ibu hri ini???
Pasien:Alhamdullilah baik
Perawat: Baiklah ibu, hari
ini saya akan melaakukan tindakan injeksi intra cutan yang bertujun untuk
mengetahui alergi obat pada anda
Pasien: kenapa saya harus
disuntik, saya takut sama jarum suntik, apa tidak sakit???
Perawat: ibu, ini untuk
melihat alergi atau tidak aleri dengan obat, ibu tenang ya saya jamin tidak
sakit. . .
Pasien:efek sampingnya apa???
Perawat: jika alergi kulit
akan kemerahan disertai gatal.
Pasien: baiklah pak saya
bersedia untuk di suntik
Perawat: baiklah ibu, saya
persiapkan peralatn dahulu.
Pasien: oke. .
Perawat: permisi ibu. . .
saya suntik ya. . .
Pasien: iya pak
Perawat: ditunggu 15 menit ,
nanti kalau ada rasa tidak nyaman di daerah suntikan ibu segera lapor ya.
Pasien: iya , terimakasih
Perawat: terima kasih
kembali, 15 menit lagi saya kembali kesini ya buk, saya observasi bekas
Pasien: iya mas perawat. . .
Nurse: Good morning, my name introduced
ade rama. I am
a nurse in this room, the mother who's name?
Patient: My name. . . . .
Nurses: how mothers feel this hri?
Patient: Thank God good
Nurse: Well mom, today I will take action aimed at the injection intra cutan to know your allergy medication at
Patient: Why do I have an injection, I was scared of needles, what does not hurt?
Nurses: the mother, is to see an allergy or not aleri with drugs, I guarantee ya calm mother was not sick. . .
Patient: What side effects?
Nurse: if the skin allergy with itching redness.
Patient: I am willing to let the pack on the injection
Nurse: Let mom, I prepare peralatn first.
Patients: okay. .
Nurse: Excuse mother. . . I inject it. . .
Patient: yes sir
Nurse: wait 15 minutes, then if there is any discomfort at the injection site immediately report ya mother.
Patient: yes, thank you
Nurse: thank you again, my 15 minutes back here ya drunk, my observation of the former injections.
Patient: yes mas nurse. . .
Patient: My name. . . . .
Nurses: how mothers feel this hri?
Patient: Thank God good
Nurse: Well mom, today I will take action aimed at the injection intra cutan to know your allergy medication at
Patient: Why do I have an injection, I was scared of needles, what does not hurt?
Nurses: the mother, is to see an allergy or not aleri with drugs, I guarantee ya calm mother was not sick. . .
Patient: What side effects?
Nurse: if the skin allergy with itching redness.
Patient: I am willing to let the pack on the injection
Nurse: Let mom, I prepare peralatn first.
Patients: okay. .
Nurse: Excuse mother. . . I inject it. . .
Patient: yes sir
Nurse: wait 15 minutes, then if there is any discomfort at the injection site immediately report ya mother.
Patient: yes, thank you
Nurse: thank you again, my 15 minutes back here ya drunk, my observation of the former injections.
Patient: yes mas nurse. . .
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